Multiple Options XII travel scholarships will be available as an open competition for anyone submitting an abstract. Applications will be evaluated by the ISIRV Scientific Organising Committee. There will be three categories of scholarships:

1. Researchers from First Nations and Pacific Island communities*
2. Researchers from low- and middle-income (LMIC) countries**
3. All students and Early Career Researchers ECRs***
Indicate your interests in being considered for a travel scholarship when you submit your abstract!

Applicants are to provide a CV and submit a 300-word summary to explain how attendance at the Options XII conference will impact their studies/ education/research in the field of respiratory viruses. One application per registrant indicating categories (1, 2 or 3 as above) of scholarship. Please submit all necessary documents by 15th May, 2024 via the provided email address:

* all researchers from First Nations and Pacific Island communities, with priority given to younger researchers.
** all LMIC researchers ( priority given to younger researchers) must provide documentation of working in a LMIC as defined by the World Bank list. Documentation accompanying your application should contain the same name and surname as your abstract.
***ECR is defined as <8 years after Ph.D. (MD or MPH) is awarded with extra time allowed for career breaks or clinical training. A letter from your Supervisor / Department Head, on institution letterhead, must be supplied in support of student applications, and to confirm current status.

Options XII travel scholarships include:

  • Return economy airfare (booked by designated travel company)
  • 4-6 nights' hotel accommodation (depending on distance travelled)
  • Complimentary registration fee
  • Participation at one day preparatory mini school for all students and ECRs
  • 1 year ISIRV membership

Travel scholarship applications closed on 16th May, and no further applications will be evaluated.

All successful applicants have now been informed of the scholarship decision.